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Kofi - Next-gen Liquid Staking on Aptos

Kofi liquid staking offers Aptos users:

DeFi Opportunities

Kofi kAPT & stkAPT will be highly composable across multiple DeFi protocols on Aptos

Boosted Yields

Kofi stkAPT advantage lies in its boosted yields as compared to other Aptos LSTs

Seamless UIUX

Enables you to stake on a seamless user interface with top-notch user experience for you to easily manage your staked positions

How to get started with Kofi

1. Mint kAPT with APT

Mint kAPT with APT directly on the Kofi app, instantly.

2. Stake kAPT into stkAPT

Stake kAPT to receive stkAPT to start receiving yields.

3. Hold stkAPT, earn boosted staking rewards

Simply hold stkAPT in your wallet, you will be earning APT staking rewards and boosted Kofi rewards.

4. Use stkAPT within Aptos DeFi

Lend it on one of our money market partners or provide liquidity within one of our DEX partners. Earn yields during this process. Else, simply holding stkAPT will do and you will start earning staking yields.

Quick Start

Visit to start staking your APT and earning boosted yields today!