Legal Disclaimer
Please read this disclaimer carefully before using Kofi and/or any of its sub-domains (hereinafter referred to as the "Protocol").
By using the Protocol, you confirm that you accept this legal disclaimer and agree to comply with it. If you do not agree, you must not use the Website.
The Kofi Protocol is an Aptos-based token staking protocol ("Protocol") that is designed to enable users to stake certain digital assets. Your use of the Protocol is entirely at your own risk.
The Protocol is available on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, title, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
Risk Acknowledgment
You assume all risks associated with using the Protocol, and digital assets and decentralized systems generally, including but not limited to, that:
- Digital assets are highly volatile
- Using digital assets is inherently risky due to both features of such assets and the potential unauthorized acts of third parties
- You may not have ready access to assets
- You may lose some or all of your tokens or other assets
You agree that you will have no recourse against anyone else for any losses due to the use of the Protocol. For example, these losses may arise from or relate to:
- Incorrect information
- Software or network failures
- Corrupted cryptocurrency wallet files
- Unauthorized access
- Errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies
- Third-party activities
You agree that security audits don't eliminate risks completely. The protocol is not guaranteed to be secure or free from bugs or viruses.
Data Privacy
The Protocol does not collect any personal data, and your interaction with the Protocol will solely be through your public digital wallet address. Any personal or other data that you may make available in connection with the Protocol may not be private or secure.
Dispute Resolution
The user of the protocol agrees to arbitrate any dispute arising from or in connection with the protocol or this disclaimer, except for disputes related to copyrights, logos, trademarks, trade names, trade secrets or patents.
General Disclaimer
The information provided in this documentation and on the Kofi Finance platform is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, financial, or investment advice.
Risk Disclosure
Protocol Risks
- Smart contract risks despite thorough audits
- Validator slashing risks
- Market volatility and pricing risks
- Technical upgrade and maintenance risks
User Responsibilities
- Users are responsible for their own due diligence
- Secure storage of private keys and wallet access
- Understanding the risks involved in DeFi protocols
- Compliance with local regulations
No Financial Advice
- Nothing in this documentation constitutes financial advice
- Past performance is not indicative of future results
- Users should consult with financial advisors for personal advice
Regulatory Compliance
Geographic Restrictions
- Users must comply with their local regulations
- Service may be restricted in certain jurisdictions
- Users are responsible for determining their eligibility
- Protocol may implement KYC/AML procedures
- Users must provide accurate information if required
- Compliance with anti-money laundering regulations
Protocol Governance
- Protocol parameters may change through governance
- Fee structures may be modified
- Features may be added or removed
Updates and Modifications
- Documentation may be updated without notice
- Protocol may be upgraded or modified
- Users should regularly review terms and documentation
Limitation of Liability
Kofi Finance and its affiliates shall not be liable for:
- Loss of profits or funds
- Technical or operational issues
- Third-party service disruptions
- Network or validator issues